
CBC Fremantle students are required to wear the correct uniform to and from school, when on campus and when representing the College at all official College functions unless otherwise specified.

Online Ordering

College uniforms are available for ordering online here.

To book a Year 7 uniform fitting, please click here.

Stock Availability

Please note that not all items and sizes are always available off the rack and may need to be pre-ordered.

To avoid delay, please order as early as possible or contact the shop to see if we have what you require in stock.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours - School Term

Tuesday 8am to 4pm
Wednesday 12noon to 4pm
Thursday 8am to 12noon

The Uniform Shop is located in
160 High Street, Fremantle.

Telephone 6465 1199
Email cbc.uniforms@permapleat.com.au

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Important information

old-crest-new-crest.jpgThe College introduced a new crest in 2012 and uniforms with the old crest have been phased out. Please be cautious when purchasing second hand uniforms from external sources that the crest embroidered on the uniform items are current.